Honest and vulnerable words and me being Alive.

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Imagine that your life is a gift. And all this existence that is happening around is also a gift. And it is a gift because it already exists. Everything you want already exists,…

One more year

All I can and should say. Thank you. For one more year. It has been… different: happy, challenging, nervous, brave, risky, relaxed, gentle, patient, hot, warm, cold, caring, sad, happy, melancholy, hopeful, vital.…

No one ever knows

I also wanted to believe that everything has a reason. We are taught this from childhood. To explain, to find arguments, to believe in connections, to seek safety, to avoid mistakes, to want…

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What is the meaning of life?

I can only speak for myself – what I feel and what I have in my chest. I don’t believe that there is certain meaning of life that everyone should pursue. When I…

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